Elevate Performance Therapy

Build Strength With These Effective Shoulder Workouts

shoulder workouts

Shoulder pain is a common issue that affects people from all walks of life. Whether you’re an active individual, a runner, a gym-goer, or someone with a job that requires a lot of overhead reaching and manual labor, such as construction workers or painters, you’re particularly at risk. Shoulder pain can hinder your performance and … Read more

Prevent Shoulder Pain at Night With These Top Tips

shoulder pain at night

Shoulder pain can strike anyone, but certain groups are particularly vulnerable, especially active individuals, gym-goers, runners, and those with jobs that require a lot of overhead reaching and manual labor, such as construction workers or painters. This discomfort can be especially troublesome at night, disrupting sleep and making it difficult to recover fully from the … Read more

How To Avoid Knee Injuries In Sports This Summer!

knee injuries in sports

Summer is the perfect time to get outside, engage in your favorite sports, and stay active. Whether you’re hitting the trails, playing tennis, or enjoying a pick-up game of basketball, it’s crucial to be mindful of knee injuries in sports that can easily sideline you. Knee injuries in sports are common and can significantly impact … Read more

5 Knee Pain Exercises Every Runner Should Know

knee pain exercises

Whether you’re an avid marathoner or a weekend jogger, knee pain can significantly hinder your performance and enjoyment of running. It’s not just seasoned athletes who suffer; knee pain can strike anyone who leads an active lifestyle. Runners and gym-goers are particularly susceptible due to the high-impact nature of their activities. Individuals suffering with knee … Read more

Avoid These 5 Mistakes to Get Quick Relief for Sciatica Pain

quick relief for sciatica pain

Sciatica can strike anyone, from active sports enthusiasts to those who sit at a desk all day. It can disrupt your life in countless ways, making even the simplest tasks painful. From running and playing tennis to climbing stairs or even just sitting comfortably, sciatic pain can interfere with your daily routine and keep you … Read more

Understand and Ease Sciatica With Our Sciatic Pain Stretches

sciatic pain stretches

Sciatica is more than just a simple pain in the back; it’s a condition that can profoundly affect your daily life, limiting your mobility and dampening your spirit. It strikes individuals of all ages, particularly those participating in activities that place significant stress on the lower back. Whether you’re an avid runner, a weekend hiker, … Read more